Hello from Kodi and EQUIPT

Hello from Kodi and EQUIPT

Hi guys,

Kodi here. It is 841 pm on Tuesday and I will simply say yowza. Yup. That feels like an appropriate word. There are many more probably more appropriate, but I will stick with yowza.  

I have continually written blogs and stopped for fear of not writing what is relevant, interesting, appropriate...notice where it all stops? Fear. Something so prevalent but something so crucial for us to manage now more than ever. I am going to write. Odds are there may not be an organized or structured manner. But I will attempt. 

 We are on day Who knows and I just got my spirited toddler down and quickly spirited towards the computer. 

I am saying hello. This is who we are. This is our love and movement. And this is what we are very quickly working on getting going for you. 


EQUIPT is a small business which is a beautiful and powerful thing. Our supply chain like so many businesses is being revamped due to the amazing things worldwide people are doing. We have sold out of 8 lb Ubarres and our current manufacturer in Iowa has all hands on deck making hospital beds. We are working extremely hard to get more in stock but would love if you would preorder to help us expedite this process. This helps us to know your favorites as well and have them ready and waiting for you in the future. Speaking of favorites...we are also adding on to the world of EQUIPT. After lots of requests for more workouts we are working feverishly to get this up and coming. Stay tuned for in the next few weeks you will get an email to join this new world that we hope will keep you moving thru the minutes and beyond. It is the kind of inspiration I hope to receive so I hope you will enjoy the same. Anything in specific you are dying for please email kodi@equiptmovement.com and let me know! My ears are here for you. 


We are also adding our ballet barres available for preorder. The exciting thing about these is they enable those working from home to stay employed as they are made to order. Again, any questions I am here for you. 

Also super excited to have you join our daily IG movement. The hope of this is for you to stop drop and move, it really is what ever I am doing at 1130 and 330 we stop drop and move. There are days I am in a ball gown and days I am in sweats. Days we push hard and days we simply flow. The goal is to simply move. 

Sending you so much love from my home to yours. 



PS don't forget about our You tube channel! It's been constantly updated!